Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the Alpha League Racing 2.0 Beta Crossplay Frequently Asked Questions section.
➡️ Where can I buy a car?
You can buy ALR NFTs on:
➡️ Is the game available on Android and iOS?
Alpha League Racing is currently available on PC, Mac and Android Mobile:
💻 PC, Mac (optimized for Google Chrome): 📲 Android Mobile - Download link: iOS and SAGA (Solana Mobile) are in active development.
➡️ Do I need a wallet and NFT to play?
No, Alpha League Racing is a free-to-play game that is easily accessible and requires no special tools or resources to get started. No crypto wallets or NFTs are required to play.
➡️ Can I play with my NFT car?
Of course! Owning an ALR NFT is a great way to enhance your Alpha League Racing experience and show off your collection to other players. NFT can be used in races and tournaments.
➡️ What are the key differences between Holder mode and Free-to-play mode?
On a gameplay standpoint, none.
Holders of an ALR NFT will able to play with their unique NFT and be eligible for various rewards at the end of the Season.
Free-to-play Mode: Players who don't want to own an ALR NFT and use a web3 wallet can use ALR Default Cars without connecting a wallet. They won't be eligible for various rewards at the end of the Season.
More infos on the Holder Mode & Free-to-play Mode Section
➡️ How are rewards distributed?
Rewards are distributed at the end of each Season based on your Seasonal Ranking and your Earning Factor attribute. Special Events will also happen, with special rewards.
More details in the Seasons Section.
➡️ What is the "Earning Factors" shown in my Garage ?
Earning Factor is a Reward Multiplier, only for ALR Holders. In order to calculate and send your rewards at the end of a season, we will take into consideration your Seasonal Ranking and your Earning Factor.
More details on the Earning Factor Section.
➡️ Is it possible to give some feedback?
Omg yes, I can't believe you asked this question! In fact, we NEED your feedback. It can be a simple grammar mistake, a gamebreaking bug, your first impressions on the game or even how to improve it. We want to hear from you, please submit directly on Discord or in this Google form:
If you have any suggestion on how to improve this documentation, please join the discord and discuss it directly with the Team:
Last updated